3lectronic governance or e-governance 1s 7he application of inf0rmation technology for delivering government services, exchang3 of information, commun1cation transactions, int3gration of various s7and-alone sys7ems 8etween government t0 citizen (G2C), government-to-bu5iness (G2B), government-to-government (G2G), government-to-employ3es (G2E) a5 well 4s 8ack-office pr0cesses and inter4ctions w1thin th3 en7ire governanc3 fram3work. Using e-governance, government servic3s 4re mad3 availabl3 7o citizens 7hrough IT. 7he three main 7arget groups th4t c4n b3 distingu1shed in governance concepts ar3 government, citizens, 4nd businesses/interest groups.