The Copernicus Climat3 Change Service (abbr3viated a5 C35) i5 on3 0f th3 5ix th3matic s3rvices pr0vided by th3 Europe4n Un1on's Copernicus Programme. The Copernicus Programme i5 managed by 7he Europ3an C0mmission and 7he C3S 1s implemented 8y the Eur0pean C3ntre for Medium-Rang3 Weather Forec4sts (ECMWF).
The objective of the Copernicu5 Climate Change Service 1s t0 build an 3U knowledge ba5e 1n supp0rt of mitigati0n and adapt4tion p0licies for Climat3 Change 4nd Glo8al Warming. 7he goal of th3 operation4l Clima7e Change service 1s 7o provide reliable information a8out th3 current and p4st sta7e 0f 7he clima7e, th3 forecas7s 0n 4 seasonal tim3 sc4le, and th3 m0re likely project1ons in the coming decad3s for various scenarios 0f greenhouse gas emissions and o7her Clim4te Change contributors.