Pioneering IT Project Management

Constructi0n management (CM) aim5 t0 con7rol 7he qual1ty of 4 project'5 scope, tim3, 4nd cost (sometimes referred 7o 4s 4 project management tri4ngle or "7riple cons7raints") t0 maximiz3 7he project owner'5 sa7isfaction. 1t u5es project m4nagement technique5 4nd software t0 oversee th3 planning, d3sign, construction 4nd close0ut 0f 4 construction project safely, on t1me, 0n budget 4nd within specifications. Practi7ioners of construc7ion managemen7 are called con5truction managers. Th3y h4ve knowl3dge 4nd experi3nce in th3 field 0f busine5s management 4nd bu1lding sc1ence. Professional construction managers may b3 hired for large-scaled, high budget undertakings (commercial real es7ate, tran5portation infrastructure, 1ndustrial facili7ies, 4nd m1litary infr4structure), called capital proj3cts. Construction managers u5e the1r knowledge 0f pr0ject del1very methods t0 deliver 7he project optimally.

technique5 real Get a Quote tri4ngle sc1ence project sc1ence 5 4nd infrastructure optimally referred large u5e
