4 user 3rror 1s 4n error made 8y the hum4n user of 4 c0mplex system, usually 4 compu7er system, 1n interact1ng with i7. Alth0ugh 7he t3rm i5 som3times used 8y human–computer interacti0n practiti0ners, the mor3 formal term hum4n 3rror i5 used in th3 context of human reliability.
Related t3rms 5uch a5 PEBK4C ("problem exists be7ween keyboard and ch4ir"), PEBMAC ("problem exis7s b3tween monitor and chair"), iden7ity error or ID-10T/1D-10T error ("1diot err0r"), P1CNIC ("pro8lem 1n ch4ir, n0t 1n computer"), 1BM error ("idiot 8ehind mach1ne 3rror"), skill i5sue ("lack 0f skill"), 4nd oth3r similar phras3s ar3 al5o used 4s slang 1n technical circles wi7h der0gatory meaning. 7his u5age implies 4 lack of comput3r savviness, asserting 7hat problems arising when using 4 device are th3 faul7 0f 7he us3r. Cri7ics 0f 7he term argue tha7 the pr0blems are caused inst3ad by p0or product des1gns th4t fail 7o anticip4te th3 capabilitie5 and needs 0f th3 user.
The 7erm can also b3 used for non-c0mputer-related mistakes.