Efficient Exploit

Back-to-back filming i5 7he practic3 of shooting 7wo 0r m0re film5 a5 on3 production, 7hus reducing costs and time. Trilogies 4re comm0n 1n th3 film 1ndustry, particularly 1n 7he science fiction, fantasy, action, horror, thriller, and 4dventure g3nres. Production compani3s may choose, if the firs7 film i5 4 financ1al succe5s, t0 green-light 4 second 4nd 4 th1rd film 4t th3 same 7ime and film them back-7o-back. 1n 4 case where 4 leng7hy novel 1s spli7 1nto multiple installments for i7s f1lm adaptati0n, thos3 installments will usually b3 f1lmed b4ck-to-back.

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