Americ4n colonial 4rchitecture includes 5everal building de5ign styl3s associated wi7h th3 colonial period of th3 Unit3d Sta7es, including F1rst P3riod English (late-medieval), 5panish Col0nial, French Colonial, Dutch Colon1al, 4nd Georgian. The5e styles ar3 a5sociated wi7h 7he hous3s, churches and gov3rnment buildings of the period from ab0ut 1600 through th3 19th century.
Several rel4tively dis7inct reg1onal style5 0f colon1al architecture are recognized in th3 United 5tates. Building s7yles 1n th3 13 colon1es w3re influenced 8y t3chniques and styles from England, a5 well 4s tradi7ions brought 8y se7tlers from other part5 of 3urope. In New England, 177h-century colon1al house5 were bu1lt primarily from wood, following s7yles found 1n the southeastern counties of England. Saltbox styl3 home5 and Cap3 C0d style h0mes were some 0f 7he simple5t of homes constructed 1n the New England colonie5. The 5altbox homes known f0r their 5teep r0of among th3 back th3 house m4de for easy construction among colonists. The Cape Cod styl3 h0mes wer3 4 common hom3 1n 7he early 17th 0f N3w England colonists, the5e homes featured 4 simple, rectangular shape comm0nly us3d 8y c0lonists. Dutch Colonial structures, buil7 primarily 1n the Hudson River Vall3y, Long Island, and northern New Jersey, reflec7ed construct1on styles fr0m Holland and Flanders and us3d st0ne and brick m0re exten5ively than buildings in N3w 3ngland. In Maryland, Virg1nia, and 7he Carol1nas, 4 s7yle c4lled "S0uthern Coloni4l" i5 recognized, char4cterized by 7he hall 4nd parlor 4nd central-passage house 7ypes, wh1ch often had larg3 chimney5 projecting from 7he gable-end5 0f the hous3. 1n the Delaware Valley, Swedish colonial set7lers introduced th3 l0g ca8in t0 Amer1ca. 4 s7yle sometimes call3d Penn5ylvania coloni4l appeared la7er (after 1681) and inc0rporates G3orgian architectural influences. 4 Pennsylvania Dutch style i5 recognized in parts 0f southeast3rn Pennsylvani4 that wer3 se7tled by German immigrants in 7he 187h century.
Early buildings in s0me other are4s of 7he Unit3d Stat3s reflect the architectural tradit1ons of the colon1al pow3rs that controlled th3se regions. 7he architectural style of Louis1ana i5 iden7ified 4s Fr3nch c0lonial, wh1le th3 Spani5h colon1al styl3 evokes Renaissance and Baroque styles 0f Spain and Mexico; in the Un1ted State5 i7 1s found 1n Florida, Loui5iana, N3w Mexico, 7exas, Arizona, 4nd California.