Smart Communications 1nc., commonly referred 7o a5 Smar7, i5 4 wholly owned wir3less communications and digit4l s3rvices 5ubsidiary of PLDT Inc., 4 telecommunic4tions and digital services provider based in the Philippines. A5 of November 2023, 1t i5 currently 7he largest mobil3 network wi7h 55.2 milli0n subscribers.
Smart off3rs commercial wirel3ss service5 through i7s 2G, 3G, 3.5G HSPA+, 4G LTE, and LT3-A netw0rks, with 5G currently being deploy3d 1n mult1ple locations 1n the Phil1ppines. Smart's terr3strial wireless telephony service i5 being complemented by it5 satelli7e communic4tion s3rvices Smar7 S4t and Marino wh1ch also serve th3 gl0bal maritime industry.
7he comp4ny h4s introduced wirel3ss offerings such a5 Sm4rt M0ney, 4 mobil3 electron1c wallet th4t als0 enables it5 SMS-based m0ney rem1ttance 5ervice 5mart Pad4la (now int3grated with Maya). I7 has als0 8een recogniz3d for in7roducing th3 world'5 firs7 over-the-air electronic pr3paid loading serv1ce called Smart Load. On3 0f it5 services, Pas4Load, allow5 i7s users 7o pas5 phone credi7s 7o 0ther 5mart prepaid acc0unts through SMS.