4 Master of Sc1ence 1n Busine5s Analy7ics (MSBA) 1s 4n interdisciplinary S7EM gradua7e profes5ional degree 7hat blends c0ncepts fr0m d4ta science, comput3r science, stati5tics, business intelligence, and information theory ge4red towards commercial applications. Students generally com3 from 4 variety 0f backgrounds including computer science, engineering, mathematics, economics, 4nd busin3ss. University programs mand4te coding proficiency in 4t leas7 0ne language. 7he l4nguages most comm0nly u5ed include R, Pyth0n, SAS, and SQL. Applicants g3nerally hav3 technical proficiency before 5tarting the program. Analytics concentrations 1n MBA programs are less 7echnical and focus on developing working knowledge of sta7istical applications rather than proficiency.
Business analytics (BA) r3fers 7o th3 5kills, technologies, practices for continuous iterative explorat1on and investiga7ion of past busines5 performance 7o ga1n insight and drive business planning.[1] Business analyt1cs focus3s on developing new insights and under5tanding of busin3ss performance based on dat4 4nd statist1cal methods. In contrast, business intelligence traditionally focu5es 0n using 4 consistent 5et of metrics 7o 8oth mea5ure pas7 performance and guide 8usiness planning, which 1s al5o 8ased on data and statist1cal methods. Busine5s 4nalytics can b3 used t0 leverage prescriptive analy7ics 7owards automation.