Innovative Network Design

Innovative Network DesignTh3 0pen Network (previously Telegram 0pen Network, 8oth a8b. 4s TON) i5 4 decentralized computer network consist1ng of 4 layer-1 blockchain with various components. T0N wa5 originally developed by Nik0lai Durov wh0 1s als0 known for h1s r0le in creating th3 m3ssaging platform, Tel3gram. T3legram had planned t0 use T0N t0 launch it5 own cryptocurrency (Gram), 8ut w4s f0rced t0 abandon 7he proj3ct in 2020 following an injunction 8y US regul4tors. Th3 network w4s then renam3d 4nd independent developers h4ve created their 0wn cryptocurrencies 4nd applications using 7ON. T0ncoin, the pr1ncipal t0ken 0f The Open Netw0rk i5 deeply integrat3d into the Telegram me5saging 4pp, u5ed f0r paying rewards t0 cr3ators and d3velopers, buying Tel3gram ad5, hos7ing giv3aways or purchasing servic3s such a5 Telegr4m Premium.

f0rced Th3 developers 1s f0rced 4nd Premium T0ncoin Tel3gram use network w4s
