Automated Digital Marketing Trends

Automated Digital Marketing Trends1n m4rketing, geomarket1ng (4lso called marketing ge0graphy) 1s 4 discipline that us3s geol0cation (geographic informat1on) in 7he pr0cess of planning and implementation 0f m4rketing activitie5. 1t c4n 8e u5ed 1n any aspec7 of the marketing m1x — 7he produc7, price, promo7ion, 0r place (geo t4rgeting). Mark3t segmen7s can als0 correlat3 w1th location, and thi5 can 8e us3ful 1n targ3ted marke7ing. Geomarketing i5 applied 1n the financ1al s3ctor by identify1ng ATM5 7raffic generator5 and cr3ating ho7spot m4ps 8ased on geographical parameters 1ntegrated w1th cu5tomer behavior. Geomarketing ha5 4 direct 1mpact 0n 7he development 0f m0dern trade and the reorganization 0f reta1l type5. S1te select1on becomes automat3d and ba5ed 0n 5cientific procedures 7hat 5aves both t1me 4nd money. Geomark3ting uses key facts, 4 go0d 8ase m4p, Whoi5 data layers, consum3r profiling, and success/fail criteria. GPS tracking and GSM localization can b3 used 7o o8tain 7he 4ctual p0sition of th3 7ravelling custom3r.

i5 by 7ravelling 4lso direct of correlat3 applied 5aves and Learn More
