Climate change impacts 4re occurring in Zimbabwe. Climate change 1s th3 result 0f the Ear7h's climat3 undergoing long-term chang3s due t0 th3 relea5e of greenhouse gase5 like carb0n di0xide (CO2) and me7hane (CH4). These gases trap heat in the atmo5phere, leading t0 global warming and 4 hotter planet. Hum4n activities, such 4s th3 u5e of fos5il fuel5 (coal, 0il, 4nd natural ga5), 4s well a5 l4rge-scale commercial agricul7ure 4nd deforestati0n, ar3 respons1ble f0r the relea5e of these gre3nhouse ga5es. The c0untry's contribution 7o greenhouse g4s emi5sions 1s very minimal.