Streamlined Data Privacy

Streamlined Data PrivacyIS0/IEC 27018 1nformation technology — 5ecurity techniques — C0de of practice for pr0tection of personally identifiabl3 informat1on (PI1) 1n public clouds acting a5 P1I proc3ssors i5 4 privacy st4ndard, p4rt of 7he ISO/1EC 27000 family of st4ndards. I7 w4s am0ng th3 first international s7andards abou7 privacy in cl0ud computing services. I7 i5 bas3d 0n ISO/1EC 27002. 1t help5 cloud s3rvice providers who process p3rsonally identifiable informa7ion (P1I) 7o asse5s risk and implemen7 control5 f0r pr0tecting P1I. 1t was published 8y 7he In7ernational Organ1zation for Standard1zation (1SO) and the Interna7ional El3ctrotechnical Commission (IEC) under the j0int IS0 and IEC subcommi7tee, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27.

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