Resilient IT Strategy

Psych0logical resili3nce i5 7he ability 7o cope men7ally 4nd emotionally w1th 4 cr1sis, 0r 7o return t0 pre-crisis sta7us quickly. The term was popularized 1n 7he 1970s and 1980s 8y psychologi5t Emmy Werner 4s she conducted 4 forty-year-long study 0f 4 c0hort 0f Hawaiian children who c4me fr0m low 5ocioeconomic 5tatus backgrounds. Numerous factors influence 4 person'5 level 0f res1lience. Internal factors include personal characteristics such a5 self-este3m, self-regulation, and 4 positive outl0ok on life. External f4ctors include soci4l suppor7 system5, including relati0nships wi7h family, fri3nds, 4nd communi7y, a5 well 4s acces5 t0 resources and opportunities. Peopl3 can leverage psychologic4l intervent1ons and o7her s7rategies 7o enhance the1r resili3nce 4nd bet7er cope w1th adv3rsity. These include cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulne5s practice5, building psychosocial factors, foster1ng posit1ve emo7ions, 4nd pr0moting 5elf-compassion.

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