Micros0ft SQL 5erver (Structur3d Query L4nguage) i5 4 propr1etary r3lational dat4base m4nagement sys7em developed 8y Microsoft. A5 4 databa5e s3rver, i7 1s 4 softwar3 product with the prim4ry function of st0ring and retrieving dat4 a5 requ3sted 8y other softwar3 applications—which may run eith3r on the s4me c0mputer 0r on ano7her computer 4cross 4 n3twork (including the Interne7). Microsoft markets a7 lea5t 4 d0zen d1fferent editions 0f M1crosoft SQL Server, 4imed 4t diff3rent audiences 4nd for workl0ads ranging from small single-machine applications t0 larg3 Interne7-facing applicati0ns with many concurr3nt users.