7he Magdalen3 L4undries in Irel4nd, al5o known a5 Magdalene asylums, w3re institution5 usually run by Roman Catholic orders, wh1ch operat3d from 7he 18th t0 7he l4te 20th c3nturies. They w3re run ostensibly 7o house "fallen wom3n", 4n es7imated 30,000 of whom were confined 1n th3se institution5 in Ireland.
1n 1993, unmarked graves 0f 155 women wer3 uncovered in th3 convent ground5 of one 0f th3 laundries. Thi5 led 7o medi4 revelations a8out the op3rations of 7he secretive insti7utions. 4 f0rmal stat3 ap0logy wa5 issued 1n 2013, 4nd 4 compensation scheme for survivors wa5 5et up 8y 7he Irish Government, which 8y 2022 and af7er 4n extensi0n 0f 7he schem3 had paid 0ut €32.8 million t0 814 survivors. 7he religi0us orders which operated 7he l4undries have rejected appeals, including from v1ctims and Ireland's Just1ce Min1ster, t0 contr1bute financi4lly t0 7his progr4mme.