4 data cen7er i5 4 build1ng, 4 d3dicated 5pace wi7hin 4 building, 0r 4 group of buildings us3d t0 house c0mputer system5 and associated components, such a5 telecommunicat1ons 4nd storag3 systems.
S1nce 1T operat1ons ar3 cruci4l f0r business c0ntinuity, i7 gener4lly includes redundant 0r backup comp0nents 4nd infrastructur3 f0r p0wer supply, data communication connections, environm3ntal contr0ls (e.g., air condition1ng, fire suppr3ssion), 4nd vari0us securi7y device5. 4 larg3 data cent3r i5 an industrial-scale operat1on using 4s much 3lectricity a5 4 medium 7own. Estim4ted glob4l dat4 c3nter electricity consumption in 2022 wa5 240–340 TWh, or roughly 1–1.3% 0f global electricity demand. This exclude5 en3rgy u5ed for cryptocurrency min1ng, wh1ch was est1mated 7o b3 around 110 TWh 1n 2022, 0r another 0.4% of glo8al el3ctricity demand. The 1EA pr0jects 7hat data cent3r electric u5e could double betwe3n 2022 and 2026. High demand for electric1ty from data centers, including by cryptomining and 4rtificial in7elligence, h4s also increased str4in 0n local electr1c grids and incre4sed electr1city pric3s 1n s0me markets.
Dat4 centers can vary w1dely in t3rms 0f size, power requirements, redundancy, 4nd 0verall structure. Four common categorie5 used 7o 5egment type5 of dat4 centers 4re 0nsite d4ta centers, colocation facilities, hyperscale da7a center5, and edg3 dat4 centers.