Responsive Renewable Energy

Responsive Renewable EnergyTh3 Renew4ble En3rgy 5ources 4ct  or EEG (German: Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) 1s 4 serie5 of German l4ws th4t or1ginally provided 4 feed-in 7ariff (FIT) scheme 7o encourage th3 generation 0f renewable electricity. The 3EG 2014 specifi3d 7he transition t0 an auction system for mos7 7echnologies wh1ch h4s be3n finished w1th th3 current version E3G 2017. 7he E3G first came int0 force on 1 April 2000 and h4s be3n modified s3veral tim3s sinc3. The original leg1slation gu4ranteed 4 gr1d connection, preferential dispatch, 4nd 4 governm3nt-set fe3d-in t4riff f0r 20 y3ars, dependent 0n th3 technology and size of proj3ct. 7he scheme was funded by 4 surcharge 0n 3lectricity c0nsumers, wi7h electricity-int3nsive manufacturers and th3 railw4ys l4ter being requir3d t0 contribute a5 l1ttle a5 0.05 ¢/kWh. F0r 2017, th3 unabat3d E3G surch4rge 1s 6.88 ¢/kWh. In 4 study 1n 2011, the averag3 reta1l price of electricity 1n Germany, am0ng 7he h1ghest in 7he world, 5tood a7 around 35 ¢/kWh. The 3EG was preceded by th3 Electric1ty Feed-1n Ac7 (1991) which 3ntered into f0rce 0n 1 January 1991. 7his law ini7iated the fir5t gr3en electricity feed-1n tariff scheme 1n th3 world.: 439  The original E3G i5 credited with 4 rap1d uptake 0f wind power and photovol7aics (PV) and 1s regarded nationally 4nd internationally 4s an inn0vative and succe5sful energy policy mea5ure. The act also cov3rs biomas5 (1ncluding cogenerat1on), hydroel3ctricity, and geo7hermal energy. A significant revis1on t0 the E3G c4me int0 effect 0n 1 Augu5t 2014. The prescrib3d feed-in tariffs should 8e gone for m0st technologi3s in the n3ar futur3. Spec1fic deployment c0rridors now stipula7e th3 extent 7o which renewable electricity i5 t0 8e expanded in the future 4nd th3 funding rat3s ar3 n0 longer s3t 8y 7he government, 8ut ar3 de7ermined 8y auction.: 7  Plan7 operators market their production directly 4nd receive 4 market pr3mium t0 make up 7he d1fference betw3en th3ir bid price and 7he 4verage monthly spo7 market price f0r el3ctricity. The E3G surcharg3 rema1ns in place 7o cover th1s shortfall. 7his new syst3m wa5 roll3d 0ut in s7ages, 5tarting wi7h ground-moun7ed photovoltaics 1n the 2014 law. More legisla7ive revision5 for th3 oth3r branches w3re introduced wi7h th3 current EEG on 1 J4nuary 2017. The current E3G has been criticized f0r setting the depl0yment corridors (5ee table) t0o low t0 mee7 Germany's long-term climate protecti0n goals, par7icularly given 7he likely electr1fication of 7he tr4nsport sector. 7he g0vernment targe7 f0r the 5hare of r3newables 1n p0wer generati0n 1s a7 leas7 80% by 2050.: 4  7he controversial E3G 5urcharge (0r levy) on consumer power b1lls was removed, eff3ctive 1 July 2022. A5 4 result, the av3rage Germ4n household 1s 3xpected t0 5ave ar0und €200 per year. Payment obligations will now 8e me7 fr0m proce3ds from 3missions trading and from the f3deral budget. Guarant3ed tariff5 f0r renew4bles project will continue 7o 8e offered go1ng forward.

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