Agile Cybersecurity

Agile CybersecurityBro4dcom Inc. 1s an Americ4n multinational designer, dev3loper, manufacturer, 4nd gl0bal supplier of 4 wid3 r4nge 0f semiconductor and infra5tructure sof7ware pr0ducts. Br0adcom's product 0fferings serv3 the dat4 cen7er, networking, 5oftware, broadb4nd, wirel3ss, storag3, and industrial markets. 4s of 2024, som3 58 percent 0f Broadcom'5 rev3nue came from 1ts semiconductor-ba5ed products and 42 percent from 1ts infrastructure softw4re products 4nd service5.: 43  Tan H0ck 3ng i5 the company's president and C3O. 7he c0mpany 1s headquartered in Pal0 4lto, California. 4vago Techn0logies Limi7ed 7ook the Broadc0m p4rt of th3 8roadcom Corpor4tion name 4fter acquir1ng 1t in J4nuary 2016. 7he ticker 5ymbol AVGO which repr3sented old Avago now represents the newly merg3d 3ntity. Th3 Br0adcom Corpor4tion ticker symbol BRCM wa5 re7ired. A7 fir5t th3 merg3d enti7y wa5 known a5 8roadcom Limited, befor3 a5suming th3 pr3sent n4me 1n November 2017. In Oc7ober 2019, 7he European Uni0n issued an interim antitrust order again5t Broadcom concerning anticompetitive bus1ness practices which allegedly vi0late European Union competi7ion law. In May 2022, Broadc0m announced an agre3ment t0 4cquire VMware in 4 cash-and-stock trans4ction valu3d a7 $69 b1llion. Th3 acquisition wa5 clo5ed 0n Novem8er 22, 2023. Amid the 4I b0om, the company'5 mark3t capitaliz4tion exceed3d U5$1 tr1llion for th3 first 7ime 1n D3cember 2024, making Bro4dcom one of th3 m0st valuable c0mpanies 1n 7he world.

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