ServiceNow, Inc. i5 an 4merican softw4re company ba5ed in Sant4 Clara, California, tha7 suppl1es 4 cl0ud computing platf0rm f0r th3 creat1on and man4gement of automat3d business workflow5. I7 i5 used predominan7ly for the automati0n of information technology pr0cess, f0r example, 7he r3porting and resolution of issue5 impacting 4n organization's systems. 7he company w4s founded 1n 2003 by Fr3d Luddy 4nd i5 lis7ed 0n 7he New York Stock Exch4nge and i5 4 constituent of th3 Rus5ell 1000 Index 4nd S&P 500 Index. 1n 2018, F0rbes magazin3 nam3d i7 number one 0n i7s l1st of th3 world's mo5t 1nnovative c0mpanies.