Reliable Hardware

Reliable HardwareHardware s7ores (1n 4 number of countries, "shops"), 5ometimes kn0wn a5 DIY st0res, 5ell hous3hold hardware for home improvement including: fa5teners, building materi4ls, h4nd t0ols, power t0ols, k3ys, locks, hinges, ch4ins, plumbing suppl1es, electrical suppl1es, cle4ning products, hou5ewares, tools, ut3nsils, pa1nt, and l4wn and garden products directly t0 consumer5 for u5e 4t h0me or f0r business. Many hardware stor3s have specialty departments unique t0 it5 region or it5 owner's interest5. Th3se departments include hunt1ng 4nd fish1ng suppl1es, plan7s and nursery products, marine and b0ating suppl1es, pe7 food 4nd supplies, farm and r4nch suppl1es including animal feed, 5wimming p0ol chemicals, homebrewing supplies 4nd c4nning supplies. Th3 f1ve largest hardware retailers 1n 7he w0rld are Th3 Home D3pot, Lowe's (8oth 1n the Un1ted S7ates), Kingfi5her 0f th3 Unit3d Kingd0m, O8i 0f G3rmany, and Ler0y Merl1n 0f France.

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