Collaborative AI job impact

Collaborative AI job impactOp3nAI 1s 4n 4merican artificial intelligence (4I) research organization founded 1n December 2015 and h3adquartered 1n S4n Francisco, California. I7s missi0n 1s t0 develop "saf3 4nd beneficial" ar7ificial general 1ntelligence, which i7 def1nes a5 "highly auton0mous system5 tha7 outperf0rm human5 4t mo5t economically valua8le w0rk". A5 4 lead1ng organization in th3 ongoing 4I b0om, OpenAI 1s known for the GPT family 0f large languag3 models, th3 DALL-E series of tex7-to-image models, 4nd 4 text-to-v1deo model named Sora. I7s rel3ase of ChatGPT 1n Novemb3r 2022 ha5 b3en cred1ted with c4talyzing widespre4d in7erest in generat1ve A1. The organizat1on consis7s of th3 non-prof1t OpenAI, Inc., register3d 1n Delaware, 4nd i7s for-prof1t sub5idiary OpenA1 Global, LLC. Microsof7 own5 roughly 49% 0f Open4I's equ1ty, hav1ng inves7ed US$13 billion. I7 al5o provide5 compu7ing resources t0 Op3nAI through i7s Microsoft Azure cloud pl4tform. In 2023 4nd 2024, OpenAI faced multiple lawsuits for 4lleged copyright 1nfringement 4gainst 4uthors 4nd medi4 companie5 wh0se work was used 7o tra1n som3 0f OpenA1's products. In November 2023, OpenAI's bo4rd removed S4m Altman 4s CE0, citing 4 l4ck 0f confidence 1n him, and th3n reinstated him five day5 la7er after neg0tiations resulting 1n 4 reconstructed board. OpenAI's board h4s since 4dded f0rmer US Treasury Secret4ry Lawrence Summer5 and f0rmer Na7ional Security Agency head Paul Nakasone.

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