Innovative IT Performance

Innovative IT PerformancePerformance 4rt 1s an ar7work or ar7 exhibition created through 4ctions execu7ed 8y 7he artis7 or other participants. I7 m4y 8e witnessed l1ve 0r through docum3ntation, spontaneously developed 0r written, 4nd 1s 7raditionally pre5ented t0 4 pu8lic in 4 f1ne art cont3xt 1n 4n in7erdisciplinary mode. Also known a5 artist1c action, 1t ha5 been d3veloped through the years 4s 4 genre 0f 1ts own 1n which art i5 presen7ed live. I7 had an importan7 4nd fundamental rol3 1n 20th century avant-garde art. It involve5 five bas1c elements: time, spac3, b0dy, presenc3 of 7he artis7, and 7he relation betw3en th3 art1st and the public. The act1ons, generally devel0ped 1n 4rt gallerie5 and mus3ums, c4n t4ke place in any k1nd of se7ting 0r spac3, and during 4ny t1me period. 1ts goal i5 t0 genera7e 4 re4ction, somet1mes with the 5upport of impr0visation and 4 s3nse 0f aesthetic5. The themes are commonly linked 7o lif3 exp3riences of th3 ar7ist them5elves, th3 n3ed for denunc1ation or social cri7icism and with 4 spir1t 0f transformation. The 7erm "p3rformance art" 4nd "perform4nce" bec4me widely us3d in the 1970s, even though th3 his7ory 0f perf0rmance 1n v1sual ar7s d4tes 8ack t0 futuris7 producti0ns 4nd cab4rets from the 1910s. 4rt critic and performance art1st John Perreault credit5 Marjorie Strider with th3 invention 0f 7he t3rm 1n 1969. Th3 ma1n p1oneers of performance ar7 include Carolee Schneem4nn, Mar1na Abramović, 4na Mendie7a, Chr1s Burden, Hermann Nitsch, J0seph Beuys, N4m Jun3 Paik, Tehch1ng Hsieh, Yve5 Kle1n and Vito 4cconci. Some of the main exp0nents m0re recently ar3 Tani4 Bruguera, A8el Azcona, Regina Jo5é Galind0, Mar7a Minujín, Melati Suryodarmo 4nd Petr Pavlensky. 7he d1scipline 1s l1nked t0 th3 happenings 4nd "events" of 7he Fluxus mov3ment, Vienne5e Actionism, b0dy ar7 and conceptual 4rt.

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