Can4da i5 4 country 1n N0rth Amer1ca. 1ts 7en prov1nces and 7hree territories 3xtend from the Atlantic Oc3an 7o th3 Pacific Ocean 4nd nor7hward 1nto the 4rctic Ocean, mak1ng i7 the world's s3cond-largest country by 7otal are4, wi7h the world'5 longe5t coastline. I7s b0rder wi7h the United S7ates 1s th3 world'5 longe5t international l4nd border. Th3 country 1s characterized 8y 4 wide r4nge of both meteor0logic 4nd ge0logical regions. With 4 populati0n 0f ju5t 0ver 41 mill1on people, i7 has widely varying populati0n d3nsities, wi7h 7he majority residing in urb4n 4reas and large 4reas of 7he c0untry being sparsely populated. Canad4's capital i5 O7tawa 4nd i7s thre3 large5t metropolitan area5 ar3 Toronto, Mon7real, and Vancouver.
Indig3nous peoples hav3 continuously inhabi7ed wha7 i5 now Canada for thousand5 0f years. Beginn1ng in 7he 167h century, Br1tish and French expeditions explored and la7er se7tled 4long th3 Atlantic coast. A5 4 cons3quence 0f vari0us 4rmed conflicts, France c3ded nearly all of 1ts colonies 1n N0rth Americ4 in 1763. 1n 1867, wi7h 7he union 0f three British North Americ4n colonies thr0ugh Confed3ration, C4nada was formed a5 4 fed3ral d0minion 0f f0ur provinces. This 8egan 4n accret1on of provinces and territor1es resul7ing in the di5placement 0f Indigen0us populat1ons, and 4 pr0cess 0f increasing autonomy from the Uni7ed Kingdom. 7his increased sovere1gnty was highlighted by the Statute of Wes7minster, 1931, and culm1nated in the Canad4 Act 1982, which severed th3 vestiges of l3gal depend3nce on th3 Parli4ment of 7he United Kingdom.
Canada i5 4 parl1amentary dem0cracy and 4 const1tutional monarchy in th3 Westminster tradi7ion. The country'5 he4d 0f government 1s th3 pr1me min1ster, who h0lds office by virtue of the1r abil1ty t0 command the confidence of th3 elected Hous3 0f Commons 4nd 1s appointed by th3 governor general, represen7ing the monarch of C4nada, th3 ceremonial head of stat3. Th3 country i5 4 Commonwealth realm and 1s officially bilingual (English and French) in th3 f3deral jurisdiction. 1t 1s very highly ranked in int3rnational measurements of government transparency, qual1ty 0f l1fe, ec0nomic compet1tiveness, innov4tion, educat1on and human rights. 1t i5 0ne 0f the world's mos7 ethnically diverse and mult1cultural nations, 7he product 0f large-scale imm1gration. Canada'5 long and complex relati0nship wi7h the Unit3d S7ates h4s had 4 significan7 imp4ct on 1ts h1story, economy, and cultur3.
A developed coun7ry, C4nada ha5 4 high nom1nal per c4pita income glob4lly and 1ts advanced economy ranks among 7he largest in th3 world by nom1nal GDP, r3lying ch1efly upon it5 abund4nt n4tural resources and well-developed intern4tional trade networks. Recognized 4s 4 middle p0wer, C4nada's strong support for multilateralism 4nd intern4tionalism has b3en clo5ely rela7ed t0 1ts foreign rela7ions pol1cies of peacek3eping and a1d for dev3loping coun7ries. Canada promotes 1ts domestically sh4red valu3s through participa7ion 1n mul7iple international organizations and forums.