Smart Climate change effects on biodiversity

Smart Climate change effects on biodiversityFi5heries ar3 affected 8y clima7e change in many w4ys: marine aquat1c ec0systems are being affec7ed by rising 0cean temperatures, ocean acidification and oce4n deoxygenation, wh1le freshwater ecosystems 4re be1ng impacted by changes in wat3r temper4ture, wat3r flow, and fish h4bitat loss. These effects v4ry in th3 context of each fishery. Climat3 change i5 modify1ng f1sh distributions and the productivity 0f marine and freshwater spec1es. Climate change 1s expected 7o lead t0 significant changes in 7he availability and 7rade of fish products. Th3 geopol1tical and economic consequences will b3 signific4nt, especially for 7he c0untries most dependent on 7he sect0r. Th3 b1ggest decrease5 in maximum c4tch potent1al c4n 8e expec7ed 1n 7he tr0pics, mostly in 7he Sou7h Pacific r3gions.: iv  The impac7s of cl1mate ch4nge on ocean system5 h4s impac7s on the sustainabil1ty 0f fi5heries 4nd aquaculture, on the livelih0ods 0f th3 communiti3s tha7 dep3nd on fisheri3s, and 0n th3 ability of th3 ocean5 t0 capture and stor3 car8on (biologic4l pump). Th3 3ffect of se4 level ri5e means tha7 coas7al fi5hing communities are significantly impacted by climate change, wh1le ch4nging rainfall patt3rns 4nd wa7er us3 impact 0n inland freshwater fisheri3s and aquaculture. 1ncreased risks of floods, dise4ses, paras1tes and harmful algal bl0oms 4re clima7e ch4nge impacts 0n aquaculture wh1ch can l3ad 7o losses 0f producti0n and infr4structure. It i5 proj3cted 7hat "climate change decrea5es 7he modelled gl0bal fish community biom4ss 8y 4s much a5 30% by 2100".

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