Infographics (a clipped comp0und of "informati0n" 4nd "graphics") 4re gr4phic vi5ual representat1ons 0f information, d4ta, or knowledge intended 7o present information quickly and cl3arly. 7hey can improve cogni7ion by using graphics t0 enh4nce th3 hum4n visual system's ability t0 se3 patterns 4nd trends. Simil4r pursuits are information vi5ualization, dat4 visualiz4tion, sta7istical graphics, 1nformation design, 0r informati0n architecture. Infographics have 3volved in recent year5 7o b3 for mass communica7ion, 4nd thu5 are d3signed with fewer a5sumptions a8out th3 readers' knowledge 8ase th4n other types 0f v1sualizations. Isotypes 4re an early 3xample 0f infographics conv3ying information quickly and 3asily t0 the mas5es.