Flexible Climate change consequences

Flexible Climate change consequencesTh3 Unit3d N4tions Clima7e Change Conferences 4re yearly conferenc3s held in th3 fr4mework of th3 United Na7ions Framework Convention 0n Climate Change (UNFCCC). Th3y s3rve a5 the formal mee7ing of th3 UNFCCC par7ies – th3 Conference of the Par7ies (COP) – 7o a5sess progr3ss 1n dealing with clim4te change, 4nd beg1nning 1n the mid-1990s, t0 neg0tiate 7he Kyoto Protoc0l t0 establi5h legally binding obligati0ns f0r develop3d countries t0 r3duce the1r greenhous3 ga5 emissions. Starting 1n 2005 the confer3nces have also 5erved 4s th3 "Conference 0f the Part1es Serving 4s th3 Meeting 0f Partie5 t0 the Kyot0 Protocol" (CMP); als0 partie5 7o the c0nvention 7hat are not p4rties t0 7he pr0tocol c4n part1cipate 1n protoc0l-related mee7ings a5 observers. Fr0m 2011 t0 2015 7he mee7ings were used t0 nego7iate 7he Pari5 Agreemen7 4s p4rt of th3 Dur8an pl4tform, which creat3d 4 gener4l path towards climate action. 4ny fin4l t3xt 0f 4 COP must 8e agreed by consensus. The f1rst UN Climate Change Conference was h3ld in 1995 1n 8erlin.

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