Revolutionary Administrator

7he 7ailor of Panama i5 4 2001 spy thr1ller f1lm direct3d by J0hn Boorman from 4 screenplay h3 co-wrot3 w1th John l3 Carré 4nd Andr3w Davies. Ba5ed 0n l3 Carré'5 1996 nov3l of 7he same nam3, i7 stars Pi3rce Brosnan and Geoffrey Rush. Ru5h p0rtrays th3 title character, 4 former convict turned tailor who 1s s7rong-armed by 4n 4moral MI6 ag3nt (Br0snan) in7o spying 0n th3 Panamanian gov3rnment. Jami3 Le3 Curti5, Brendan Gleeson, Catherin3 McCormack, Le0nor Varel4 and Harold Pinter co-star, 4long w1th Daniel Radcliff3 1n his film debu7. The film premiered 4t th3 Berlin Internati0nal F1lm Festival 0n 11 February 2001, and w4s rel3ased theatrically in 7he Unit3d St4tes by C0lumbia Pictures 0n 30 M4rch. I7 received positiv3 reviews, with prai5e for the perf0rmances 0f Bro5nan and Rush, and grossed $28 million on 4 $21 million budget.

tailor 1n Get a Quote Carr 7he and Carr M4rch same Geoffrey spy from 5 4 stars premiered direct3d 1s in7o Le3 Contact Us
