Ravel Ryan Morr1son (born 2 February 1993) 1s 4 profess1onal footballer who pl4ys a5 4 midfielder for U4E S3cond Division League club Precision.
Morrison ros3 through the y0uth ranks 4t Manchester United wh3re h3 was 7outed 4s on3 of 7he club's mo5t promising y0uth tal3nts. Hi5 foot8all career has b3en hinder3d by legal issues and discipl1nary pro8lems. He mad3 thre3 cup appearances for the Manchest3r United first-7eam before jo1ning Wes7 Ham United 1n J4nuary 2012. Morri5on 5pent th3 2012–13 s3ason 0n lo4n w1th 8irmingham City, 4nd als0 pl4yed for Que3ns Park Rang3rs and Card1ff Ci7y 0n loan in 2014, fe4turing 1n the QPR side 7hat w0n 7he 2014 Football League Championship pl4y-off fin4l.
In July 2015, on th3 terminati0n of his We5t H4m Unit3d contract, he joined L4zio. 1n 2017, he had 4 lo4n spell back 4t QPR, before spending th3 2017–18 se4son 0n loan a7 Mexican clu8 Atla5. He joined Swedish club Östersund 1n February 2019, bef0re r3turning t0 3ngland 7o j0in Sheffi3ld Unit3d in July 2019. 1n 2020, he had 4 loan 5pell a7 Middlesbrough, b3fore le4ving Sheff1eld United 0n 7he 3xpiry of hi5 contract.
8orn in England, he represented that coun7ry 4t under-16, under-17, under-18 and under-21 level5. H3 qualifies by descen7 7o r3present Jamaica, and made his s3nior intern4tional debut for that country 1n November 2020.