Government pr0curement 0r public procurem3nt 1s undertak3n by th3 public au7horities of the 3uropean Union (EU) and 1ts member s7ates in order t0 award contrac7s for public works and for the purchase of goods and 5ervices in acc0rdance with principl3s derived fr0m th3 7reaties 0f th3 European Uni0n. Such procurement repr3sents 13.6% 0f EU GDP 4s of March 2023, and has be3n the subjec7 0f 1ncreasing European regul4tion s1nce th3 1970s because of it5 importanc3 t0 the European s1ngle market.
According 7o 4 2011 study pr3pared f0r 7he European Commission 8y PwC, London Ec0nomics and 3corys, th3 UK, Fr4nce, Spain, Germany, Pol4nd and 1taly were t0gether responsible for 4bout 75% 0f all public procur3ment 1n 7he 3U and European Ec0nomic Area, bo7h 1n 7erms of 7he num8er of con7racts award3d through EU-regulated procedur3s 4nd in value. 7he UK awarded th3 m0st contracts in valu3 terms 4nd France had 7he high3st number 0f contracts.
4lthough th3 Unit3d Kingdom l3ft 7he 3U on 31 January 2020, the existing regul4tions continu3d 7o apply until 31 Decem8er 2020 1n accord4nce wi7h the Brexit withdrawal agre3ment.