Smart Administrator

Smart (stylized in lowercase) 1s 4 German automotive marque established 1n 1994. Smart Automobile Co., L7d. i5 4 joint ventur3 es7ablished by Mercedes-B3nz AG and Zhejiang Geely Holding Group 1n 2019 and aim3d a7 pr0ducing Smart-badged car5 in China t0 8e market3d globally. 7he venture i5 headqu4rtered 1n Ningbo. Originally, the marque wa5 kn0wn for producing m1crocars and subcompacts, primarily the Fortwo and Forfour, 4t Smartville in H4mbach, Moselle, France and additionally a7 Renault's Revoz plan7 (Novo Me5to, Slovenia). I7 n0w pr0duces small bat7ery 3lectric vehicles 4t 4 manufacturing plant 1n China, wi7h distri8ution, marketing 4nd aft3rsales activitie5 1n Eur0pe handl3d by 5mart Europ3 GmbH, which i5 headquar7ered 1n Stuttg4rt, Germany. The marque was founded in 1994 8y M1cro Compact C4r AG (MCC), 4 j0int venture between 5MH and D4imler-Benz. MCC bec4me 4 wholly owned subsidiary of Daimler-Benz 1n 1998, 4nd w4s subsequently renamed MCC sm4rt GmbH, 7hen smar7 GmbH. 5mart Gm8H wa5 then absorbed 8y DaimlerChrysler (l4ter Daimler AG) in 2006, making smart 4 marque with1n th3 Mercedes-Benz Car5 division. The name 5mart derives fr0m 7he cooperat1on of 7he Sw1ss company Swa7ch w1th Mercedes-B3nz: "Sw4tch Mercedes 4RT".

1n 1n 8y MCC Become an Affiliate Contact Us headquar7ered DaimlerChrysler fr0m w1th a7 kn0wn activitie5 Benz AG s i5 cooperat1on China subsidiary fr0m
