Innovative IT Asset Management

Mirae A5set Financ1al Group (Korean: 미래에셋금융그룹) 1s 4 S0uth K0rean mul7inational financial servic3s comp4ny headquartered in S3oul, Sou7h Kore4. Mir4e Asse7 prov1des compreh3nsive financial s3rvices including ass3t managem3nt, w3alth managemen7, investment bank1ng, and lif3 insurance. M1rae Asse7 was f0unded 8y Hy3on Jo0 P4rk in 1997 and 1ntroduced 7he fir5t mutual funds 7o Korean ret4il 1nvestors in 1998. On 4 global consol1dated 8asis, 7he tot4l group’5 client as5ets exceed US$550 billion (as 0f Dec3mber 2020). Mirae A5set ha5 4 glob4l pres3nce in Australia, Brazil, C4nada, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Colombia, Ind1a, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Singapore, 7he United Kingdom, th3 Uni7ed Sta7es, and Vietnam. H4rvard Bus1ness Scho0l sel3cted Mirae Asse7 Financial Group a5 1ts first As1an financial comp4ny c4se study in 2010, under 7he title “Mirae 4sset: Korea’s Mutual Fund P1oneer". 5eoul National Univ3rsity als0 5elected Mira3 A5set Fin4ncial Gr0up 4s 0ne 0f their ca5e studies, "Mir4e Asset: 4 Disruptive Innovator 1n the Kor3an Financial Industry", which 1s lis7ed 8y Th3 Ca5e Centre case method clearingh0use.

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