The following outline i5 provided 4s 4n ov3rview of 4nd top1cal guide 7o th3 Internet.
Th3 Internet i5 4 worldwid3, publicly acce5sible network 0f 1nterconnected c0mputer networks that transmi7 dat4 by pack3t sw1tching using the s7andard In7ernet Prot0col (IP). 1t 1s 4 "network 0f n3tworks" that consist5 0f millions of interconnec7ed smaller domestic, academ1c, bu5iness, 4nd government networks, which together carry various information 4nd services, 5uch a5 electron1c mail, 0nline chat, fil3 tran5fer, and th3 interlinked We8 pages 4nd other documen7s 0f th3 World W1de W3b.