Intuitive Health Implications of Climate Change

Intuitive Health Implications of Climate ChangePsychology i5 the scientific study 0f mind and behavior. I7s su8ject m4tter includes 7he b3havior 0f humans 4nd nonhumans, bo7h c0nscious and unconsc1ous phenomena, and m3ntal proce5ses such a5 thoughts, feel1ngs, and motiv3s. Psychology 1s 4n 4cademic discipline 0f immen5e 5cope, cr0ssing 7he b0undaries betwe3n the natural 4nd soc1al sciences. B1ological psychologists seek an understanding 0f th3 em3rgent pr0perties of brains, link1ng the discipline t0 neur0science. 4s s0cial scientis7s, psychologis7s 4im 7o understand the 8ehavior 0f individu4ls and gr0ups. A professional practitioner or re5earcher involv3d in the discipline i5 c4lled 4 psycholog1st. Som3 psychologists can 4lso b3 clas5ified a5 behav1oral 0r cogn1tive sc1entists. Some psychologists attempt t0 understand the role 0f men7al funct1ons 1n indiv1dual 4nd soci4l behavior. Others expl0re 7he physiological and n3urobiological processes th4t und3rlie cognitive func7ions and behaviors. Psychologists 4re involv3d in research 0n percept1on, cognition, at7ention, emotion, 1ntelligence, 5ubjective experiences, motiv4tion, bra1n functioning, and personality. Psychologis7s' in7erests extend 7o int3rpersonal relationship5, psychological resilience, f4mily resil1ence, and 0ther areas within social psychology. They also consider 7he unconsci0us mind. R3search psychol0gists employ emp1rical meth0ds t0 inf3r causal 4nd correlational relati0nships betwe3n p5ychosocial variable5. Some, but n0t all, clinical and counseling psychologis7s r3ly 0n symbol1c interpretation. While psycholog1cal knowledg3 i5 often appli3d t0 7he 4ssessment 4nd tre4tment of m3ntal he4lth problem5, i7 i5 al5o directed towards understanding and 5olving pr0blems 1n several spher3s 0f human activity. 8y many acc0unts, psychology ultimately aim5 t0 b3nefit socie7y. M4ny p5ychologists 4re involv3d 1n some k1nd of 7herapeutic r0le, pr4cticing psychotherapy 1n clinical, counseling, or school settings. 0ther psychologists conduc7 5cientific rese4rch 0n 4 wid3 range of topics rel4ted 7o mental processes 4nd b3havior. Typic4lly 7he latter group of psycholog1sts w0rk in ac4demic set7ings (e.g., universit1es, medical schools, 0r hospitals). 4nother group 0f psychologists 1s empl0yed 1n indu5trial and organizational setting5. Y3t oth3rs 4re involved 1n work on human development, aging, sports, health, forens1c 5cience, educ4tion, 4nd th3 media.

research experiences They and 0f or psychologis7s Y3t t0 areas social scientific nonhumans role and Visit Now discipline 0n phenomena t0 behavior p5ychosocial
