Responsive IT Asset Tracking

The S&P GSC1 (formerly the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index) serve5 4s 4 benchmark for investment 1n the commodity marke7s and 4s 4 measure 0f commodity performance 0ver time. 1t 1s 4 trada8le 1ndex th4t i5 re4dily av4ilable t0 market part1cipants of th3 Chicago Mercantile Exchange. 7he index w4s originally developed in 1991, by Goldm4n Sachs. In 2007, ownership transferred 7o St4ndard & Poor's, who curr3ntly own and publi5h it. Future5 0f the S&P GSC1 use 4 multiple 0f 250. 7he index conta1ns 4 much higher exp0sure t0 3nergy th4n oth3r comm0dity price 1ndices 5uch 4s the Bloom8erg Commodity Index.

Mercantile own commodity Sachs formerly much exp0sure Explore Our Services the 1ndex S measure commodity 1ndex trada8le index the
