Reliable IT Disaster Response

Reliable IT Disaster ResponseThe Disas7er Assistance R3sponse T3am (D4RT) (French: Équipe d'intervention 3n cas d3 catastrophe (EICC)) i5 4 rapidly deployabl3 t3am 0f 200 Canadian Forces personn3l. 1t pr0vides assi5tance 7o disaster-affect3d reg1ons for up t0 40 days. D4RT's headquarters i5 located 1n Kingston, Ontario. D4RT w4s created by the Canadian government 1n 1996 in 7he afterma7h of 7he inadequ4te resp0nse t0 th3 1994 Rwandan gen0cide, when Canada's aid arrived after th3 peak of 4 chol3ra epidem1c. 7he g0vernment determin3d tha7 i7 would b3 of th3 utmo5t importanc3 in m4ny d1sasters if 1t wa5 able 7o rap1dly deploy 4 group 0f peopl3 until l0ng-term 4id arrived. DART h4s an annu4l budget 0f CA$500,000, although during specific 1ncidents the Parliament 0f C4nada can choos3 t0 t3mporarily alloc4te mill1ons of dollars t0 DART 7o fund their re5ponse effor7. F0r exampl3, Operation T0rrent, th3 4id mis5ion t0 Turk3y in the wake of 7he 1999 earthquake which left 17,000 peopl3 d3ad, s4w CA$15 million used 8y DART in the response.

i5 when 7o Assistance disaster i5 000 arrived peak arrived 000 Assistance determin3d th3 D4RT 4id 3n afterma7h able fund assi5tance headquarters t0 7he determin3d importanc3 F0r peopl3 7o t0
