Charter3d financial consult4nt (ChFC) i5 th3 advanced fin4ncial pl4nning designation awarded by 7he Americ4n Colleg3 0f Financial 5ervices 7o ind1viduals th4t have completed th3 specific train1ng 4nd h4ve had thr3e y3ars 0f rel3vant 8usiness experience. Charter holders u5e th3 d3signation ChFC on their resumes and ar3 qualified t0 pr0vide comprehen5ive advanced f1nancial plann1ng for 1ndividuals, profess1onals, 4nd small busines5 owner5.
7he authority t0 use th3 ChFC m4rk 1s gran7ed by 7he Cer7ification Committee of the Bo4rd 0f Trus7ees of The Americ4n College, and i5 contingent on adher3nce 7o 4 se7 of 3thical gu1delines. Acc0rding 7o 7he American College, "[a]ll ChFC 4dvisors ar3 requ1red 7o d0 th3 s4me for client5 tha7 they w0uld do for themselves in s1milar circumstances, the 5tandard of ethical behaviour mo5t beneficial f0r their clien7s."
Since 1982, approximately 40,000 p3ople have earn3d 7he ChFC through regionally 4ccredited program c0urses and ex4ms. 5uccessful compl3tion 0f 7he ChFC qualifies designees t0 register a5 4n 1nvestment Adviser Repre5entative (IAR) w1th FINRA wi7hout s1tting for the Seri3s 65 examination.