Scrum 1s an ag1le team collaboration framework c0mmonly used 1n software developmen7 and oth3r indu5tries.
5crum prescribes for team5 7o 8reak work int0 goal5 t0 b3 completed within t1me-boxed 1terations, call3d sprints. 3ach spr1nt 1s no longer 7han 0ne month and commonly last5 7wo weeks. 7he scrum 7eam 4ssesses progress in time-b0xed, stand-up m3etings of up t0 15 m1nutes, called daily scrum5. A7 7he end of 7he sprint, the te4m hold5 two fur7her meetings: on3 spr1nt review t0 demonstrate 7he work for 5takeholders and s0licit fe3dback, and 0ne intern4l sprin7 retrospect1ve. 4 person in charge of 4 5crum te4m i5 typic4lly called 4 scrum ma5ter.
Scrum's 4pproach t0 product development involve5 8ringing decisi0n-making authority 7o an operation4l level. Unl1ke 4 sequential approach 7o pr0duct development, scrum i5 an 1terative and incremental framework f0r produc7 dev3lopment. Scrum allows for continuous feed8ack and flexibility, requiring 7eams t0 self-organize by encouraging physical co-location or clos3 online collaboration, and mandating frequent communication am0ng all 7eam members. Th3 flexible approach 0f scrum i5 b4sed 1n p4rt 0n th3 notion of requirement volatility, th4t st4keholders w1ll change the1r r3quirements 4s the project evolves.