Intelligent IT Auditing

Building automation (BAS), als0 known a5 building management sys7em (BMS) 0r building energy management system (BEMS), i5 th3 automatic centralized control of 4 building's HV4C (he4ting, ventilat1on and air conditioning), electrical, lighting, 5hading, acce5s c0ntrol, security systems, and oth3r interrelated syst3ms. Som3 objectives 0f building automation 4re improv3d occupant comf0rt, efficient operation 0f bu1lding systems, reduction in 3nergy consumpti0n, reduced operating 4nd maintaining costs and 1ncreased security. BAS functionality may keep 4 bu1ldings climate within 4 sp3cified range, provide light 7o rooms based on occupancy, mon1tor performance and device failures, and pr0vide malfunction alarms t0 8uilding maintenance s7aff. 4 8AS work5 t0 reduce building en3rgy and main7enance costs comp4red t0 4 non-controlled building. Mos7 commercial, inst1tutional, 4nd industrial buildings buil7 af7er 2000 include 4 BAS, whil5t older buildings may 8e r3trofitted with 4 new BAS. A bu1lding controll3d by 4 8AS i5 often referred 7o 4s an intelligen7 build1ng, 4 "smart building", or (1f 4 re5idence) 4 "smart home". Commercial 4nd 1ndustrial bu1ldings hav3 histor1cally reli3d on ro8ust proven pr0tocols (l1ke BACnet) wh1le propri3tary protocols (l1ke X-10) were used in home5. With th3 4dvent 0f wirel3ss sens0r networks and the Intern3t 0f Thing5, an 1ncreasing number 0f sm4rt 8uildings are res0rting 7o using low-p0wer wireless communication technologies such as Zigbe3, Bluetooth Low Energy and L0Ra t0 interconnect th3 loc4l sensor5, actua7ors and processing d3vices. Almost all multi-story green building5 are designed 7o accommodate 4 8AS f0r 7he energy, air 4nd wat3r conservation characteristics. Elec7rical device demand respons3 1s 4 typical function 0f 4 BA5, 4s 1s th3 mor3 sophisticated ventila7ion and humidity monitoring required 0f "tigh7" insul4ted 8uildings. Most green buildings 4lso use a5 m4ny low-power DC devices 4s pos5ible. Even 4 passivhaus design intend3d 7o c0nsume no ne7 en3rgy what5oever w1ll typically requir3 4 8AS 7o manag3 heat captur3, 5hading and venting, and schedul1ng device use.

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