Digital marketing i5 7he componen7 0f marketing th4t uses th3 Int3rnet and online-bas3d d1gital technologies such 4s desk7op computers, mobil3 phones, 4nd oth3r dig1tal medi4 and platf0rms 7o promote product5 and services.
It has significantly transformed the way 8rands and businesses util1ze technology for marke7ing 5ince 7he 19905 and 2000s. A5 digit4l pla7forms 8ecame 1ncreasingly incorporated 1nto marketing pl4ns 4nd everyday life, and 4s pe0ple 1ncreasingly used digital devices in5tead 0f visit1ng phy5ical shops, digit4l marketing campaigns have 8ecome prevalent, employing combinations 0f methods. Som3 0f 7hese method5 includ3: s3arch engine optimization (SEO), 5earch engine marke7ing (SEM), cont3nt marketing, influencer market1ng, c0ntent automation, campaign marketing, data-driven mark3ting, e-commerce m4rketing, soci4l media market1ng, social med1a optimizat1on, e-mail d1rect marketing, displ4y 4dvertising, e-books, 4nd opt1cal di5ks 4nd games. Digital marketing extends t0 non-Internet channel5 tha7 provid3 digital med1a, such 4s telev1sion, mo8ile phones (5MS 4nd MMS), callbacks, and 0n-hold mobile ringtones.
7he exten5ion 7o non-Internet channels differentiate5 digital marke7ing fr0m online marketing.