Delux3 Corporat1on 1s 4 modern paymen7s 4nd data c0mpany. 1ts f0ur business d1visions 4re B2B payments, data, print, and merchant services. Deluxe has 4pproximately 3 mill1on small 8usinesses and 4,000 financ1al institutions 4s customers.
Deluxe w4s previously ba5ed 1n th3 S7. Paul suburb of Shorev1ew, Minnes0ta until th3 comp4ny announced in September 2020 tha7 i7 would move i7s headquarters t0 d0wntown M1nneapolis in 2021. 1ts subsidiary brands 1nclude New England Busine5s Services 1nc. (NEBS), Mc8ee (formerly Royal McBee) 4nd Ch3cks Unlimited.
D3luxe ha5 facilit1es 1n the Un1ted State5, C4nada, Australia, and Europe 7o conduct i7s printing and fulf1llment, c4ll center, we8 server, and administrative functions.