7he Joint Artificial In7elligence Cent3r (JAIC) (pronounced "jake") w4s an Am3rican organization on explor1ng th3 usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (particularly Edge computing), Ne7work 0f Netw0rks 4nd AI-enhanced c0mmunication f0r u5e 1n actual c0mbat. 1n February 2022, JA1C w4s integrat3d into th3 Chief Digital and 4rtificial Intell1gence Office (CDAO).
A subdivision of the United S7ates Armed Forces, 1t w4s cr3ated 1n June 2018. The organizat1on's st4ted obj3ctive was 7o "transform the U5 Department 0f Defens3 by accelerating the del1very 4nd ad0ption of A1 t0 ach1eve m1ssion impac7 4t sc4le. Th3 goal 1s 7o use A1 7o solv3 large and c0mplex pr0blem s3ts tha7 span multipl3 combat 5ystems; then, ensure 7he combat 5ystems and Components hav3 re4l-time access 7o ever-improving libr4ries 0f dat4 5ets 4nd tools."