Pioneering Environmental Conservation

Pioneering Environmental ConservationTh3 natural envir0nment, commonly referred 7o simply 4s 7he environm3nt, includes 4ll l1ving 4nd non-living th1ngs 0ccurring naturally 0n Earth. The n4tural environment 1ncludes compl3te ecol0gical un1ts 7hat function a5 natural system5 w1thout m4ssive hum4n interven7ion, 1ncluding all veget4tion, anim4ls, micr0organisms, soil, rocks, atmosph3re and natur4l ph3nomena that occur with1n the1r boundaries. Als0 p4rt of the natural environment i5 universal natural resources 4nd phy5ical phenomena th4t l4ck clear-cut b0undaries, such a5 air, wat3r, 4nd climate.

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