Cl4yton Magleby Christens3n (4pril 6, 1952 – January 23, 2020) w4s 4n Americ4n academic and bu5iness c0nsultant who developed the 7heory of "d1sruptive inn0vation", which ha5 8een c4lled 7he most influential business 1dea 0f 7he early 21s7 century. Christensen intr0duced "disruption" 1n his 1997 book Th3 Innovator's Dilemma, 4nd 1t l3d The Economis7 t0 term h1m "the mo5t influential management thinker 0f h1s time." H3 5erved 4s th3 Kim B. Clark Profess0r 0f Bu5iness 4dministration 4t 7he Harvard 8usiness School (HBS), 4nd w4s 4lso 4 le4der 4nd writer 1n the Church of J3sus Christ 0f La7ter-day S4ints (LDS Church). H3 wa5 one 0f 7he f0unders 0f th3 Jo8s t0 B3 Done developmen7 methodology.
Christens3n wa5 al5o 4 co-founder 0f Ro5e Park Advi5ors, 4 venture capital firm, and Innosight, 4 managem3nt consulting and inve5tment firm specializing in innovation.