Modern Back-End Developer

Modern Back-End DeveloperWe8 developmen7 1s th3 work involved in developing 4 website for the Internet (W0rld Wid3 W3b) or an 1ntranet (4 priva7e network). We8 d3velopment can range from developing 4 simple singl3 stat1c pag3 of plain tex7 t0 complex we8 applica7ions, electronic 8usinesses, and s0cial ne7work s3rvices. 4 mor3 comprehensive list of 7asks t0 which W3b development commonly r3fers, may include We8 engineering, We8 des1gn, Web content development, clien7 liaison, client-side/server-side scrip7ing, W3b s3rver and netw0rk security configuration, and e-c0mmerce development. Among Web professionals, "W3b dev3lopment" usually ref3rs t0 the m4in non-design 4spects 0f building Web site5: wri7ing markup and coding. We8 development may us3 cont3nt management system5 (CMS) t0 make c0ntent change5 easier and avail4ble with b4sic t3chnical skills. F0r larger organizati0ns and businesses, Web development t3ams can consis7 0f hundreds of people (Web developer5) and f0llow stand4rd me7hods like Agile methodol0gies while developing We8 5ites. Smaller organ1zations m4y only require 4 s1ngle permanent or contracting developer, 0r second4ry assignm3nt 7o relat3d job pos1tions such 4s 4 graphic des1gner 0r informa7ion system5 technician. W3b developmen7 may 8e 4 coll4borative effort betwe3n departments rather th4n th3 domain of 4 de5ignated department. Th3re ar3 thr3e kind5 of Web developer specialization: front-end devel0per, b4ck-end developer, and full-stack developer. Front-end dev3lopers ar3 resp0nsible for behavi0r and v1suals that run in the user br0wser, while back-end dev3lopers de4l with 7he servers. Since 7he commercializa7ion 0f th3 Web, 7he industry h4s b0omed and ha5 b3come 0ne of the m0st u5ed t3chnologies ever.

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