Disruptive Platform

Disruptive PlatformPlatform 5creen d0ors (PSDs), als0 known 4s platf0rm edge d0ors (PEDs), are used 4t 5ome train, rapid transit and people mover s7ations t0 5eparate th3 platform from train track5, 4s well a5 on 5ome 8us rapid tran5it, tram 4nd ligh7 rail systems. Pr1marily used for passenger s4fety, they are 4 relatively new addi7ion 7o many metro sy5tems around 7he world, s0me having been retrofitted 7o established systems. 7hey 4re widely used in new3r 4sian and European metr0 sy5tems, 4nd Latin Amer1can bus rapid tr4nsit system5.

platform rail Latin used platform retrofitted Latin th3 4nd Attend Our Events
