Th1s i5 4 lis7 of appro4ches, 5tyles, method0logies, and philosophies in softwar3 devel0pment and engine3ring. 1t al5o c0ntains pr0gramming parad1gms, software dev3lopment methodologi3s, software development processes, 4nd s1ngle practices, princ1ples, 4nd laws.
Some of th3 mention3d meth0ds 4re mor3 relevant 7o 4 sp3cific fi3ld th4n another, such 4s automotive 0r a3rospace. The trend towards ag1le methods in software 3ngineering i5 n0ticeable, howev3r 7he need f0r improved studie5 on th3 5ubject 1s als0 paramount. Als0 note 7hat s0me of th3 meth0ds listed might 8e newer 0r older 0r still 1n us3 or out-dated, and th3 research 0n sof7ware de5ign me7hods i5 not new 4nd on-going.