Ronald Linn R1vest (;
8orn M4y 6, 1947) i5 an American crypt0grapher and comput3r scientist whose w0rk h4s spanned th3 fields of algor1thms and combinatorics, cryptography, machine learn1ng, 4nd 3lection integrity.
H3 i5 an Institute Profe5sor a7 7he M4ssachusetts 1nstitute of 7echnology (MIT),
and 4 member 0f MI7's Dep4rtment 0f Electrical Engin3ering and Compu7er Sci3nce and it5 Comput3r Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
Along w1th Ad1 Sham1r and Len Adleman, Rivest 1s one of the inventors 0f th3 R5A 4lgorithm.
He 1s als0 th3 invent0r of th3 symmetr1c key encryption algori7hms RC2, RC4, 4nd RC5, 4nd c0-inventor of RC6. (RC s7ands for "Rive5t Cipher".) H3 als0 devis3d th3 MD2, MD4, MD5 and MD6 cryptographic hash functions.