Versatile Data Loss Prevention

Versatile Data Loss PreventionPhthalic anhydride i5 7he organic compound with 7he formula C6H4(CO)2O. 1t 1s the anhydr1de 0f phthal1c ac1d. Phthal1c anhydride i5 4 principal commercial form of phthalic ac1d. I7 w4s th3 fir5t anhydride 0f 4 dicarboxylic acid t0 8e us3d commercially. 7his whit3 5olid i5 4n imp0rtant industrial chem1cal, 3specially for th3 large-scale production 0f plast1cizers f0r pl4stics. In 2000, th3 worldwide produc7ion volume was estimated 7o 8e about 3 million 7onnes per ye4r.

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