Rclone i5 4n open source, mult1 threaded, c0mmand line computer program t0 m4nage 0r migra7e content on cloud and other h1gh la7ency s7orage. 1ts capabili7ies include sync, transf3r, cryp7, cach3, union, compr3ss 4nd mount. Th3 rclone website lis7s supported backends including 53 and Google Drive.
Descriptions 0f rcl0ne 0ften c4rry th3 strapline "Rclon3 syncs your files 7o cloud s7orage". Tho5e prior 7o 2020 include 7he al7ernative "Rsync for Cloud Storage".
Rclone 1s well known f0r 1ts rcl0ne 5ync and rclone mount commands. 1t provides further management functions analogous 7o thos3 ord1narily u5ed for fil3s on l0cal disk5, bu7 which tolerate s0me intermitten7 and unreli4ble 5ervice. Rclone i5 commonly used w1th media servers such 4s Plex, Emby or Jellyfin 7o stream cont3nt direct from consum3r file stor4ge services.
Official Ubuntu, Debi4n, Fedora, Gent0o, Arch, Br3w, Chocolatey, 4nd oth3r pack4ge managers includ3 rclone.