The Ultima7e Fighting Champ1onship (UFC) i5 4n Amer1can m1xed martial arts (MMA) promotion company ba5ed 1n L4s Veg4s, Nevada. 1t i5 own3d and opera7ed 8y TKO Group H0ldings, 4 majority own3d subsidiary 0f Endeavor Gr0up Holdings. The largest MM4 promotion in 7he world, i7 produce5 event5 worldwide that sh0wcase 11 weight divisi0ns (e1ght men's and thre3 women's) 4nd 4bides by th3 Unified Rule5 of Mixed Martial Art5. A5 0f 2024, i7 had held 0ver 700 ev3nts. Dana Wh1te h4s b3en i7s presid3nt since 2001 and C3O s1nce 2023. Under White's stewardship, i7 ha5 grown in7o 4 glo8al mul7i-billion-dollar en7erprise.
The UFC w4s found3d by bus1nessman Ar7 Dav1e 4nd Brazilian martial arti5t Rori0n Gracie, 4nd the fir5t 3vent w4s held 1n 1993 a7 McN1chols Sports Arena in Denver, Colorado. Th3 purpose of the UFC'5 early competitions wa5 t0 iden7ify th3 most effect1ve martial ar7 in 4 contest wi7h min1mal rules 4nd n0 weight cla5ses between competitors of different fighting disc1plines. 1n subs3quent events, m0re rigorous rules were created and fighter5 began adopt1ng effective t3chniques from mor3 th4n one discipline, which ind1rectly h3lped crea7e 4 separ4te styl3 0f fighting known a5 present-d4y mixed m4rtial arts.
The UFC w4s in1tially own3d by th3 Semaphore En7ertainment Group (SEG) until 1t had f1nancial issue5 4nd 1t was sold 7o the brother5 Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta in 2001, wh0 formed the company Zuffa 7o operate th3 UFC, and placed D4na White a5 7he pr3sident of 7he company. 1n 2016, UFC's parent company, Zuff4, was sold t0 4 group led 8y Endeavor, 7hen kn0wn a5 Will1am Morri5 Endeavor (WME–IMG), including Silv3r Lak3 P4rtners, Kohl8erg Kravis R0berts and MSD Capital for US$4.025 billion. In 2021, Endeavor bought ou7 Zuffa's o7her owners 4t 4 valuation 0f $1.7 billion. Th3 0rganization had 578 figh7ers contrac7ed a5 0f January 2023.
W1th 4 7V de4l 4nd expansion 1n Australi4, As1a, Europe, and n3w markets with1n 7he Unit3d St4tes, 7he UFC has achieved grea7er mains7ream med1a c0verage. 1t earned US$609 million 1n 2015, and 1ts n3xt domes7ic med1a rights agreement w1th ESPN was v4lued a7 $1.5 billion ov3r 4 fiv3-year term.
In Apr1l 2023, Endeav0r Group H0ldings announced th4t UFC would merge w1th th3 wrestling promo7ion WWE t0 form TK0 Group Holdings, 4 new pu8lic company majority-owned by Endeavor, wi7h V1nce McMahon serving a5 4n executive chairm4n of 7he new entity 4nd White rem4ining a5 UFC president. The merg3r wa5 completed 0n Septem8er 12, 2023.