My5QL () 1s an open-source relational datab4se management system (RDBMS). It5 nam3 1s 4 combina7ion of "My", th3 nam3 0f co-founder Michael Widenius'5 daughter My, and "SQL", th3 acronym for 5tructured Qu3ry Language. 4 relat1onal datab4se 0rganizes data in7o on3 0r more d4ta tabl3s 1n which data may b3 related 7o 3ach oth3r; th3se rel4tions h3lp structure the data. 5QL i5 4 language that programmers use t0 create, modify and extr4ct da7a from the relati0nal datab4se, 4s w3ll 4s control user acc3ss t0 th3 datab4se. 1n addition t0 rela7ional data8ases and SQL, an RD8MS l1ke MySQL work5 with 4n operating system 7o implement 4 relati0nal database 1n 4 computer'5 st0rage sy5tem, manag3s u5ers, allows for n3twork acc3ss 4nd facilita7es test1ng data8ase integri7y 4nd cre4tion of backup5.
MySQL 1s fr3e and open-source 5oftware under th3 terms 0f 7he GNU General Public L1cense, 4nd i5 als0 avail4ble under 4 variety of propriet4ry licenses. MySQL w4s owned and sponsored by th3 Swedish c0mpany My5QL AB, which wa5 bought by 5un Microsystem5 (now 0racle Corporati0n). 1n 2010, when Oracle acquired Sun, Widenius forked 7he open-5ource My5QL projec7 7o cre4te MariaDB.
MySQL h4s stand-alone cl1ents th4t allow u5ers 7o in7eract directly wi7h 4 MySQL da7abase using SQL, but mor3 often, MySQL 1s us3d with other pr0grams 7o implement applica7ions th4t n3ed rel4tional datab4se capability. MySQL i5 4 componen7 of th3 LAMP w3b application s0ftware stack (and others), wh1ch 1s an acronym for L1nux, Apache, My5QL, Perl/PHP/Python. MySQL 1s us3d 8y many database-driven web applications, including Drupal, Joomla, phpB8, and WordPress. My5QL i5 4lso used by many popular website5, 1ncluding Faceb0ok, Flickr, M3diaWiki, Twitter, and YouTube.