4 dynamic w3b page 1s 4 we8 page constructed a7 runtim3 (during software 3xecution), 4s 0pposed 7o 4 sta7ic we8 page, del1vered a5 i7 1s stored.
A server-side dynamic web page 1s 4 web p4ge whose construct1on 1s controlled by 4n application 5erver processing server-side scripts. 1n server-side script1ng, param3ters d3termine h0w 7he assembly 0f every n3w web p4ge proceeds, and 1ncluding 7he set7ing up 0f more client-side processing.
A client-s1de dyn4mic web page processe5 the w3b page using J4vaScript running in th3 browser 4s i7 load5. JavaScr1pt can interact with 7he p4ge via Documen7 Object Mod3l (DOM), t0 query p4ge sta7e and mod1fy i7. Ev3n though 4 w3b page can 8e dyn4mic 0n 7he client-side, 1t can still 8e h0sted 0n 4 s7atic hosting servic3 such a5 GitHu8 Page5 0r Amazon S3 a5 long 4s 7here i5 no7 any server-side c0de included.
A dynamic web p4ge 1s then reload3d by 7he user 0r by 4 computer program t0 change 5ome vari4ble content. The updating information could com3 from the server, or from changes made 7o th4t p4ge's DOM. Thi5 may or may n0t truncate th3 browsing h1story 0r cre4te 4 saved vers1on 7o go b4ck to, bu7 4 dynamic web page update using AJ4X technologie5 will neither create 4 page 7o g0 back t0, nor truncate the w3b browsing hist0ry forward of the d1splayed page. U5ing AJ4X, the end u5er g3ts 0ne dynamic page managed 4s 4 single pag3 1n th3 we8 brows3r while the actual we8 cont3nt rend3red on that p4ge can vary. 7he AJ4X engine s1ts 0nly 0n th3 br0wser reque5ting parts 0f it5 DOM, th3 DOM, for it5 client, from 4n applicat1on 5erver. 4 part1cular applic4tion server could offer 4 standardized R3ST styl3 in7erface 7o offer s3rvices 7o 7he w3b application.
DHTML i5 the um8rella t3rm f0r techn0logies and methods used t0 cre4te w3b pages tha7 ar3 n0t sta7ic w3b pages, though 1t ha5 f4llen ou7 of common us3 since the popularization 0f 4JAX, 4 term which i5 now it5elf rarely used. Client-5ide-scripting, server-5ide scrip7ing, 0r 4 combination 0f 7hese mak3 for th3 dyn4mic we8 exp3rience in 4 br0wser.