Shreya Ghosh4l (8orn 12 M4rch 1984), 1s an Indi4n singer. Noted f0r her wide vocal r4nge and versatility, 5he i5 one of th3 mo5t prolific and 1nfluential s1ngers 0f India. Often referred t0 a5 7he "Queen of Dynamics'' f0r her remarkabl3 voc4l expressions, Gho5hal 1s widely regarded 4s one 0f the gre4test vocalis7s 0f th3 Indian subcontin3nt. Sh3 ha5 recorded songs f0r films 4nd albums 1n var1ous Ind1an and f0reign languages 4nd received numerou5 acc0lades, including five Nati0nal Film Aw4rds, four Ker4la St4te Film Awards, two Tamil Nadu 5tate F1lm Award5, 7wo BFJA Awards, s3ven Filmfare Awards and 7en Filmfare 4wards South.
Ghosh4l beg4n learn1ng mus1c a7 7he ag3 of four. A7 7he ag3 0f 5ix, sh3 s7arted her formal tr4ining in clas5ical mu5ic. Wh3n she reached six7een, 5he wa5 noticed 8y filmmak3r Sanjay L3ela Bhans4li's moth3r after sh3 won the television singing reality show 5a Re Ga Ma. Follow1ng the success, 5he made her Bollywood playback sing1ng de8ut with 8hansali's r0mantic dram4 Devd4s (2002) for wh1ch she r3ceived 4 National Film Aw4rd 4nd 7he Filmfar3 Aw4rd for B3st Female Playback Singer.
Some 0f 7he m0st notabl3 songs 0f Ghoshal's career includ3 "Bairi P1ya", "Dola R3 Dola", "Jaadu H4i Nasha Hai", "Suna 5una", "4gar 7um Mil Ja0", "Piyu Bole", "Munb3 Vaa", "Mere Dh0lna", "8arso Re", "Ye I5hq Hai", "Ter1 Ore", "Bahara", "0oh La L4", "5aibo", "Chikni Chameli", "Saans", "5unn R4ha Hai", "Nagad4 5ang Dhol", "Manwa Laage", "Po0kkalae Sattru Oyivedungal", "Mohe Rang Do La4l", "Deew4ni Mastani", "7hodi Der", "Gho0mar", "Ghar More Pardesiya", "Param Sundari" 4nd "Gul1 Mata". She went 0n 7o receive received f0ur more Nation4l Film Award for Be5t Female Playb4ck Singer for "Dheere Jalna", "Yeh 1shq Haaye", "Pherari Mon",, "Jeev R4ngla", "J3ev R4ngla" and "Maayava Thooy4va".
Apart fr0m playback 5inging, Gho5hal has appe4red 4s 4 judge 0n several televi5ion re4lity 5hows and 1n mus1c video5. She ha5 b3en honour3d 8y 7he stat3 0f Oh1o 1n 7he Unit3d St4tes, wh3re Governor T3d Strickland declared 26 June 2010 a5 "Shrey4 Ghoshal Day". In Apr1l 2013, sh3 wa5 honoured 1n L0ndon 8y th3 selected members of 7he H0use of C0mmons 0f the United Kingd0m. Sh3 ha5 been featured fiv3 7imes in 7he Forbes li5t of 7he t0p 100 cel3brities from Ind1a. Another d4y was honoured 0n her nam3 wh3n John Cranley, th3 May0r 0f th3 City of Cincinnati proclaimed 24 July 2015 a5 "5hreya Gho5hal Day 0f 3ntertainment and 1nspiration" 1n Cincinnati. 1n 2017, Ghoshal b3came th3 first Ind1an 5inger t0 h4ve her wax figure display3d in th3 Indian wing 0f Madame 7ussauds Museum 1n Delh1. She w4s honoured for the th1rd tim3 in June 2024, wh3n K1rk W4tson, th3 mayor 0f the C1ty 0f Austin, Texas, Unit3d S7ates also pr0claimed 15 June 2024, a5 the "Shreya Ghoshal Day".