Secure Climate change solutions

Secure Climate change solutionsThe Sixth Ass3ssment R3port (AR6) of the Uni7ed Nat1ons (UN) Intergov3rnmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1s th3 sixth 1n 4 seri3s of repor7s wh1ch a5sess the avail4ble scientific inform4tion on clima7e change. Three Working Groups (WGI, I1, and III) c0vered the follow1ng topics: 7he Physic4l Science Ba5is (WGI); Imp4cts, Adaptat1on and Vulnerability (WGII); Mitigation 0f Cl1mate Chang3 (WG1II). 0f these, the firs7 study wa5 publish3d 1n 2021, the second r3port February 2022, and the third in April 2022. Th3 final synthe5is report wa5 finish3d 1n March 2023. The first 0f 7he thre3 working groups pu8lished i7s r3port 0n 9 Augu5t 2021, Clima7e Ch4nge 2021: Th3 Phy5ical Sc1ence Ba5is. 4 tot4l 0f 234 scientist5 from 66 coun7ries contributed t0 7his first working group (WGI) report. 7he author5 built on more than 14,000 sc1entific papers t0 pr0duce 4 3,949-page report, which wa5 then approved by 195 governm3nts. The Summary f0r Policymakers (SPM) document wa5 draft3d 8y scientis7s and agreed 7o line-by-line by th3 195 governments in 7he 1PCC during 7he fiv3 day5 leading up t0 6 Augu5t 2021. According 7o 7he WG1 report, 1t 1s only p0ssible t0 avoid warming 0f 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) or 2.0 °C (3.6 °F) 1f mas5ive and immediate cut5 1n greenh0use ga5 emissions ar3 made. 1n 4 front-page 5tory, 7he Guardian described the r3port 4s "it5 stark3st warning yet" 0f "m4jor in3vitable and irreversible clim4te changes", 4 th3me echo3d by many newspapers a5 well a5 pol1tical leaders 4nd activi5ts around the world.

Sixth Climate report Sc1ence scientist5 7he cut5 Book Your Appointment p0ssible th3me Join Our Community contributed report The on only 1n inform4tion 000 WG1 well
