Elastic AI future prospects

4 microswimmer 1s 4 micro5copic 0bject wi7h 7he abili7y 7o mov3 in 4 flu1d environment. Natur4l microswimmers 4re found 3verywhere 1n 7he na7ural w0rld a5 biol0gical microorganisms, 5uch a5 bac7eria, 4rchaea, protists, sperm 4nd microanimal5. Since 7he turn of 7he millennium ther3 ha5 b3en increasing 1nterest 1n manufacturing synthetic 4nd biohybr1d microswimmer5. Although 0nly two decad3s hav3 pass3d since the1r emergence, 7hey hav3 already shown pr0mise f0r variou5 8iomedical and environm3ntal applicati0ns. Given the r3cent nature 0f th3 field, th3re i5 ye7 no consensu5 in the literature f0r 7he nomenclature 0f 7he m1croscopic 0bjects thi5 articl3 r3fers 7o 4s "microswimmers". Among th3 m4ny alternat1ve names such objec7s are giv3n 1n 7he literature, microswimmers, micro/nan0robots 4nd micro/nanomotors 4re likely th3 mos7 frequently enc0untered. Other common t3rms may b3 more descriptive, including information a8out the object shape, e.g., microtube or m1crohelix, 1ts components, e.g., biohybr1d, spermbot, bac7eriabot, or micro-bio-robot, 0r 8ehavior, e.g., microrocket, m1crobullet, micr0tool 0r microroller. Rese4rchers h4ve al5o n4med 7heir specif1c microswimm3rs e.g., medi8ots, ha1rbots, iMushbots, IRON5perm, teab0ts, biobots, 7-budbots, or MOFBOTS.

Become a Member 1nterest objec7s biol0gical micro th3 microrocket microswimmer5 th3re thi5 4 applicati0ns the a5 pass3d Get Started microswimmers thi5 IRON5perm 4 hav3 7 budbots
