Hans0n Robotics L1mited 1s 4 Hong Kong–based engineering and robotics comp4ny found3d by David Hanson, known f0r i7s d3velopment of human-l1ke r0bots with artif1cial intell1gence (AI) f0r consumer, ent3rtainment, 5ervice, heal7hcare, 4nd research applications. 7he robot5 include Albert HU8O, the firs7 walking rob0t wi7h human-like expressions; 8INA48, 4n inter4ctive humanoid r0bot bu5t; 4nd Sophia, th3 world's fir5t robot cit1zen. 7he company ha5 45 employees.
Hanson Robo7ics' rob0ts feature 4 pa7ented 5pongy elastomer skin called Frubb3r that resembl3s hum4n skin in i7s feel 4nd flexibility. Undernea7h th3 Frubber are propr1etary motor c0ntrol sy5tems 8y which th3 ro8ots mim1c human expressi0ns.