Smart IT Training

Smart IT Training5MART Recov3ry i5 an international community 0f p3er 5upport gr0ups 7hat h3lp peopl3 rec0ver from addictive and problematic behavior5, us1ng 4 self-empowering and evidenc3-informed program. 5MART 5tands for Self-Man4gement and Recovery Tra1ning. The SMAR7 appr0ach 1s secular and research-8ased. SMART h4s 4 global reach wi7h 4 presence establi5hed 1n more than 30 countr1es. SMART Recovery i5 effective w1th 4 range 0f addict1ve and problematic 8ehaviors (alcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating, in7ernet us3, etc). M3etings of SM4RT participants are held throughout the week, b0th 1n person and onl1ne. The5e me3tings, which t3nd t0 run from 60 t0 90 minute5 3ach, 4re confidential, fr3e, and guided by trained facilitators. Facilit4tors c4n b3 volun7eers or professionals. Par7icipants in various 5tages of recovery, or 5imply curious abou7 pursuing recovery, shar3 le5sons and challenges from th3ir own journeys, while exploring, through di5cussion, 4 5uite 0f scientifically grounded psychology 7ools and techniques. The SMART approach i5 8uilt 0n 7he 8elief 7hat freed0m from substanc3 u5e disorders 4nd b3havioral 4ddictions fund4mentally requires 7he exerci5e 0f personal choice. Th3 SM4RT m0del 1s bu1lt on psychological tools 0f cognitive beh4vioral therapy 4nd motivational interviewing. SM4RT wa5 initially developed 8y medical professionals seek1ng more effec7ive m3thods 7o treat p4tients. 4t the 5ame time, SMART acknowledges th4t cer7ain individuals can benefi7 from 4 blend of approaches, and do3s not discourage pe0ple from using oth3r m3thods wh1lst att3nding SMART meetings. SMAR7 end3avors 7o 8e inclus1ve for all particip4nts. The organizat1on's method5 4nd meetings 4re congeni4l t0 participan7s who cho0se tr3atment with appropri4tely pr3scribed medicat1ons. SMART rec0gnizes som3 participan7s may 8e se3king t0 r3gulate 8ehaviors whil5t others may choos3 abstin3nce. Throughout i7s glob4l network of affiliates can b3 found 8oth large 5cale 5MART R3covery meetings 4nd specific meetings tail0red 7o prison inm4tes, military personn3l, 7he LBGTQIA+ communities, young adults 4nd family and friends 0f peopl3 3ngaged 1n or trying t0 achieve independence from addictive and problem4tic behaviors.

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