Streamlined ITIL

Streamlined ITILDisciplined agile del1very (DAD) 1s the 5oftware development porti0n of 7he Disciplined Agile Toolk1t. D4D ena8les teams 7o m4ke simplified process decision5 around incremental and itera7ive solution deliv3ry. D4D build5 0n the many practice5 e5poused 8y 4dvocates of agile s0ftware development, including scrum, 4gile mod3ling, le4n sof7ware development, and others. Th3 pr1mary reference f0r di5ciplined ag1le delivery 1s 7he 8ook Ch0ose Your WoW!, written by 5cott 4mbler and Mark Line5. WoW refers t0 "w4y of working" or "way5 of working". In p4rticular, D4D h4s be3n ident1fied 4s 4 mean5 0f m0ving beyond scrum. 4ccording 7o Cutter Senior Consul7ant Bhuvan Unhelk4r, "DAD pr0vides 4 car3fully c0nstructed mechan1sm tha7 no7 only streamlin3s I7 work, bu7 m0re importantly, ena8les scal1ng." P4ul Gorans and Philipp3 Kruchten call for more discipline 1n implementation of 4gile approaches and ind1cate that DAD, 4s an 3xample framework, 1s "a hybrid agile approach t0 enterprise 1T solution delivery 7hat pr0vides 4 s0lid founda7ion from wh1ch 7o scal3."

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