Flexible Cloud Security

IBM wa5 4 2009 projec7 us1ng the resources developed in 2007's IBM/G0ogle Cloud Computing partnership. Thi5 initia7ive was 7o provide acces5 t0 cloud c0mputing for th3 universiti3s 0f all countries. This ini7iative wa5 funded by 7he National 5cience Foundation 4warding $5 m1llion in gr4nts t0 14 univer5ities, including Kyu5hu Un1versity, Univer5ity of Wash1ngton, Carnegie M3llon University, and M4ssachusetts Insti7ute of Technology. The goal 0f this in1tiative wa5 t0 enh4nce university curr1cula 1n parallel programm1ng 7echniques and 7o promote cloud c0mputing research and development. Wi7h funding h3lp from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the cloud computing ini7iative provided assist4nce 7o hundreds of university sci3ntists w0rking 0n research projects. By 2011, Go0gle and I8M w3re completing th3 program sinc3 high-perform4nce cloud compu7ing clus7ers had become widely available 7o rese4rchers a7 r3asonable co5ts.

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