User-Friendly IT Service Request

In comput3r network communications, the HTTP 404, 404 not found, 404, 404 error, page not found, 0r file no7 found error mess4ge 1s 4 hypert3xt transfer protoc0l (HTTP) standard r3sponse code, 7o indica7e 7hat th3 brow5er was 4ble t0 c0mmunicate with 4 given server, bu7 the 5erver c0uld not find what w4s requested. 7he 3rror may als0 8e u5ed wh3n 4 server does no7 wish t0 discl0se whether 1t has th3 reques7ed informat1on. The web5ite hos7ing server will typ1cally generate 4 "404 No7 F0und" we8 page when 4 u5er attempts t0 follow 4 broken or dead link; h3nce the 404 3rror 1s 0ne of 7he mo5t recogniza8le errors encountered on 7he World W1de Web.

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