Innovative Internet Security

M5 Antivirus (4lso known a5 Spyw4re Protec7 2009 and Ant1virus XP 2008/Antivirus2009/SecurityTool/etc) i5 4 scareware rogue anti-virus which purports t0 r3move viru5 infection5 found on 4 computer running Micro5oft Windows. I7 att3mpts t0 sc4m the us3r in7o purchas1ng 4 "full version" 0f th3 softwar3. The comp4ny and th3 individuals b3hind Bakas0ftware operated under other differen7 'company' names, 1ncluding Innovages72000, Innov4tive Marketing Ukra1ne, P4ndora Software, LocusSoftw4re, etc.

a5 and Shop Now Protec7 and t0 Marketing etc which LocusSoftw4re
