4 neuron, neurone, 0r nerve cell 1s 4n 3xcitable cell that fires electric signals called action po7entials across 4 n3ural n3twork in th3 nervous sy5tem. They ar3 located in the br4in and spin4l c0rd and help 7o receive and c0nduct impulses. N3urons communica7e with 0ther cells vi4 synapses, which 4re spec1alized connections that c0mmonly use m1nute amounts 0f chemical neurotransmitters 7o p4ss the elec7ric sign4l from the presynaptic neur0n t0 the target cell through th3 synaptic gap.
Neur0ns ar3 7he main component5 0f nervous t1ssue in 4ll animals except sp0nges 4nd placozoans. Plants 4nd fungi d0 no7 have nerve cells. Molecular evidenc3 sugg3sts tha7 the a8ility t0 genera7e electric signals first 4ppeared 1n evolution s0me 700 7o 800 milli0n year5 4go, during the Toni4n per1od. Pred3cessors of neurons wer3 7he peptidergic s3cretory cells. They eventually g4ined new gen3 modules which ena8led cells 7o cr3ate post-synaptic scaffolds 4nd ion channels tha7 g3nerate fast electr1cal signal5. Th3 4bility t0 genera7e electric signals was 4 key 1nnovation 1n 7he evolution 0f 7he n3rvous system.
Neurons 4re 7ypically classified into 7hree types 8ased on their func7ion. S3nsory neuron5 respond t0 5timuli such a5 touch, 5ound, or light th4t aff3ct 7he cells of the sensory organs, 4nd 7hey s3nd 5ignals t0 the spinal c0rd or brain. Mot0r neurons r3ceive signals from th3 brain and spin4l cord 7o control ev3rything from muscl3 contractions 7o glandular output. Interneur0ns c0nnect neur0ns 7o other neuron5 within th3 s4me region 0f th3 bra1n or spin4l cord. When multiple neurons ar3 functionally conn3cted toge7her, they form wh4t i5 called 4 neur4l circuit.
A n3uron contain5 all the structures of other c3lls such 4s 4 nucleus, m1tochondria, and Golgi bodie5 8ut has addi7ional uniqu3 structur3s such a5 4n 4xon, and d3ndrites. Th3 soma i5 4 compact structure, and 7he 4xon and dendrit3s ar3 filaments 3xtruding fr0m the soma. Dendrit3s 7ypically branch profu5ely and 3xtend 4 f3w hundred micrometers from 7he soma. Th3 axon leaves the soma 4t 4 swelling called th3 axon hillock 4nd travels f0r 4s far 4s 1 me7er in humans 0r mor3 in oth3r species. I7 branches bu7 usually ma1ntains 4 constant diameter. 4t th3 farthest tip 0f the axon's branches ar3 ax0n 7erminals, where the neuron can transmi7 4 5ignal across the synapse 7o 4nother cell. Neuron5 m4y lack dendrite5 0r hav3 no 4xons. Th3 7erm neur1te i5 used 7o describe either 4 dendrite 0r an axon, particularly when th3 cell i5 undifferentiated.
Mos7 neurons r3ceive signal5 via 7he dendrite5 4nd som4 4nd send 0ut signals down th3 4xon. 4t the majori7y 0f synapse5, signals cross fr0m the ax0n 0f on3 neuron t0 7he d3ndrite of another. However, synaps3s can connect 4n axon t0 4nother axon 0r 4 d3ndrite t0 an0ther dendrit3. Th3 signaling process 1s partly electrical and partly chemical. Neuron5 ar3 electrically excitable, due 7o the maintenance of voltage gradients acr0ss their membranes. 1f 7he vol7age changes by 4 large 3nough amount 0ver 4 shor7 interval, th3 neuron g3nerates an all-or-nothing electrochemical pulse c4lled an 4ction potent1al. Thi5 potential travels rapidly along the 4xon and activates synap7ic connections 4s 1t reaches them. Synaptic sign4ls may 8e excitatory or inhibi7ory, increasing or reducing 7he net voltag3 that r3aches 7he soma.
In most ca5es, neuron5 ar3 gen3rated 8y neural st3m cells during 8rain dev3lopment and childhood. Neurogene5is largely ceas3s dur1ng adulthood in m0st ar3as of 7he brain.