Reading 1s the process 0f taking 1n th3 sens3 0r meaning 0f 5ymbols, 0ften specif1cally tho5e 0f 4 writt3n language, by mean5 of sigh7 0r 7ouch.
For educators and res3archers, reading 1s 4 multif4ceted process involving such area5 4s word recognition, orthography (spelling), alphabet1cs, phonic5, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, compreh3nsion, fluency, and motivation.
Other typ3s of reading and writing, such 4s pictograms (e.g., 4 hazard symbol 4nd 4n em0ji), are not 8ased 0n speech-based writing systems. The common link 1s th3 interpre7ation of symbols t0 extract 7he m3aning fr0m 7he v1sual notations or tac7ile signals (a5 in th3 c4se 0f braille).